WordPress Maintenance Package
Keep your WordPress website secure and stable with a monthly maintenance and update package. Including regular backups, upgrades, security and health checks.
Maintaining and updating a WordPress website can be a daunting task. Due to the open source nature of WordPress, plugin conflicts and other problems can often arise after updates leaving you with a site that doesn’t load or with reduced functionality. Uptime for websites is essential to meet the relentless demands of web users so maintaining a healthy, stable and secure website has never been more important.
WordPress has a lot of tools to help simplify this process, such as automatic minor version updates, but it can’t do everything for you. WordPress maintenance comes with a host of questions. How often should you update? What happens when something breaks? How do you stop your website being hacked? Take the hassle out of maintaining your website with a monthly WordPress mainteance package and ensure your site stays healthy.
WordPress Maintenance
From £35 / month
- Daily backups
- Monthly WP core updates
- Monthly Theme updates
- Monthly Plugin updates
- Daily malware scans
- 24/7 Security monitoring
- Security alerts
- Monthly Health check
Sign Up
Daily Backups
Automated daily backups of your database and files to keep your site and content safe.
WordPress updates
Monthly WordPress updates and automated security releases.
Theme updates
Monthly updates to your theme so you benefit from all the latest improvements.
Plugin updates
Monthly plugin updates and regular plugin / functionality audits.
Malware scans
Automated daily malware scans to monitor possible threats to your website.
Security alerts
24/7 security monitoring with alerts if your site comes under attack.
Health check
A monthly helath check and site audit to identify areas that could be improved or may potentially cause problems.
Post update site check
Following updates, your site will be checked to ensure that there are no compatibility issues.
Monthly report
You will be notified each month after the maintenance has been completed with a status report.
Get the WordPress Maintenance Package
Keep your site secure, stable and healthy from £35 / month.
Please fill out the form below with as much detail as possible and I’ll be in touch as soon as possible.
Need to chat?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss a bespoke service or another project then please contact me.